ENS invites children aged 2-10
ENS specialists need to know as much about the child as possible on the very first meeting.
Psychological and pedagogical diagnostic is more of a consultation/interview in the form of play and dialog during which the psychologist and speech therapist evaluate the speech and behavior of the potential student and his or her readiness for separation from the parents.
A good parent will never just throw the child in the water in order teach him or her to swim. All children are different: one child might be thrilled from the water and the splashes, another child might become psychologically damaged for life.
Same happens with nursery and school. Some children might not be ready.
In order to make the process as seamless as possible our specialist need to meet the child and create a strategy for easy adaptation.

The first ENS visit
It is crucial to positively prepare the child for the first ENS visit. The child must perceive diagnostic as a visiting a friend with toys, lunch, other children and fun playtime.
When the child arrives he or she will have a huge variety of toys to play with. While we watch the child we will not have to ask "what he or she likes" we will see it all by the choices the child makes.
The psychologist will see the child's temper, character, readiness to separate from the mother. The teacher will see how the child reacts to a foreign language. Sometimes children notice the new language right away and say " I don't speak that!" other get scared and some get very interested about the mysterious foreigner.
One 4 year old student we tested ran to her mother and in a very concerned manner asked "did you know that Sara doesn't speak Russian?!" Yet that was no obstacle to run straight back to Sara to continue playing.

Is ENS a good fit for your child?
In 2-3 fays after the diagnostic our specialists will provide parents with recommendations on how to prepare the child for ENS and adjust his or her schedule to match the schedule at ENS. It is crucial that the child sleep schedule becomes as close as possible to the one at ENS.
If the child did not pass the diagnostic our specialist provide a full report and list of recommendations. The next diagnostic may be conducted no earlier then in 3-6 months.
Every year there are more pupils who wish to attend ENS than places available. The results of the diagnostic are the first step in preparing the groups. We take all aspects of the diagnostic in consideration as we form the groups in order to create a perfect environment for the development of the children.